11 Ways You Can Be Kind Without Spending Cash!

11 Ways You Can Be Kind Without Spending Cash!

1. Give way when driving. This is one of my favorite. You know in almost everyone drives like a F1 driver. Sometimes giving other people a chance to change lanes will make them feel good.

2. Like and comment on social media especially in Facebook. I love social media and when ever I see any positive post from a friend, or even someone I don’t really recognize in my friendlist, I will normally like it. And will write something to respond on the post. You know why? This little thing will make that person to post more on positive stuff in social media. If it touch your heart, then share it so that other people will get inspired!

3. Practice gratitude. Saying I am thank you, showing appreciation towards others is a very powerful and will give impact to the person and also ourselves.

4. Make your waiter a friend. I remembered a friend once adviced me, if you are not kind to the waiter, it means you are not really, really kind. Yes, when in a restaurant, try to talk softly and smile to the waiter, even if you’re at the mamak stall.

5. Eye contact with children. Ok, this is suitable for those who are close with families. When you talk to children, especially when they are standing, we as adults can squat and make our eye level the same as the child, so that the child can talk easily and express what they have to say.

7. Organise a surprise for your love ones. Even though we are with them almost all the time, a surprise will always keep the bond so much more intact. Cook for them, make a card or anything to show your love. Well, there are many ideas that won’t cost a thing.

8. If you’re a boss in your company, try to just spend some time with your staff and say acknowledge their hard work. You can say, “You did a good job last week”. Give them a compliment. You can do it via whatsapp or any messenger app. You know this encouragement means a lot the the employee, or those who are reporting to you. And always try to avoid giving them tasks to complete during the weekend!

9. Greet and smile to others in the elevator. You know that awkward moment when you are talking and suddenly when you are in the elevator or lift, everyone keeps quite. Greet and smile. Morning! How are you? Small things sometimes can make someone’s day.

10. Last but no least, call your parents and I say I love you! Always remember your parents, no matter where they are. It just takes a few minutes. Call, and recall all the lovely times you had with your parents and you never know, how excited they will feel.

11. Register small food stall in Waze or Google Map. This is what I always do too. You know the best roti canai in Taman Dato Senu, the best karipap in Sentul, so why not put it in the map. Include the operation hours and the photo. It will help the makcik’s business to grow.


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