When in Relation ? Difference about Men and Women .Learn To Keep your Partners Happy

When in Relation ? Difference about Men and Women .Learn To Keep your Partners Happy

Let me tell you a little bit about men. If they don't get it from home, most times, they WILL stray. Likewise for women.

If they don't get the attention and support from their partners, that's where the vulnerability is exposed.

The difference about men and women is that for men, it's normally more sexual. For women, it's the emotional connection.

So, This is why you need to keep your partners happy to have happier family. Take care of each other so both will stay loyal
Ladies Take care of the men Communication is key I can only tell you that many men strayed even after marriage

if you are not happy about your relationship.. work on it.. talk about it.. advice your spouse.. a marriage is a sacred contract under God.. take it seriously.. or dont do it at all.. and you can have all the men/women you want..

Image result for difference between man and woman on relationship


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