80 Interesting facts about Cancer personality

80 Interesting facts about Cancer personality

Fact 1: Cancer are unforgiving when someone betray their trust.

facts about cancer 1

Fact 2: When arguing with idiots a Cancer will bring up everything you did in the past to show how unreliable you can really be.

Fact 3: Cancers don’t really argue but when they do, they shut people up quick

Fact 4: As a Cancer when you get a bad feeling about someone 9 out 10 you’re always right.

Fact 5: Hear me and hear me good. An irritated or pissed off Cancer gives zero f*cks about your feelings.

Interesting facts about Cancer personality

Fact 8: Behind Cancer fake smile, is everything you’ll never understand.

Fact 7: Cancer hates when the spotlight is on them, this is when they feel extra awkward.

Fact 9: When feeling down: Shuts off all communication with others so don’t expect them to answer your 20 calls.

Fact 9: What makes a Cancer super, duper happy? family, friends, fun, food & good finances.

Fact 10: Something you may not know: They know the wrath they are capable of so they try to keep it hidden away.

Interesting facts about Cancer personality

Fact 11: Friendly reminder a cancer will move mountains and swim across oceans for anyone they care about.

Fact 12: Cancer prefer dealing with problems on a logical front so getting loud and making a scene doesn’t work with them.

Fact 13: Cancer love their sleep but they hate when they can’t shut their brain down. They could be up all night just by thinking.

Fact 14: No other sign can do for you what a Cancer can. They are the ultimate lovers.

Fact 15: One way to get on their good side: make them laugh especially when they need it.

Interesting facts about Cancer personality

Fact 16: Memories are the most valuable possession for Cancer.

Fact 17: Cancer has a hard time saying no to the people they care about and some selfish people take advantage of that.

Fact 18: If you were good to Cancer after they let go, they will never stop caring about you.

Fact 19: You’ve got to communicate with a Cancer otherwise they will sense that you’re holding back.

Fact 20: Cancers are amazing writers. Because of their hard shell, they are better at written word than spoken.

Interesting facts about Cancer personality

Fact 21: Seriously, don’t think a Cancer won’t whip your ass.

Fact 22: Cancers have a weird way of knowing things before you even say anything.

Fact 23: Cancer have a few friends and a lot of acquaintances. They don’t put their trust in many.

Fact 24: Sometimes Cancer need to take a few steps back to see where they missed it before they can move forward.

Fact 25: They usually feel more comfortable helping you with your than bombarding you with theirs.

Fact 26: It’s the little things in life that mean the most to a Cancer. A Cancer is the most sentimental of all the zodiac signs.

Fact 27: Cancer have no interest in making shallow, meaningless connections with people.

Fact 28: It’s hard to find a Cancer who has not been hurt and betrayed.

Fact 29: Many are blessed with the ability to look much younger than they are.

Fact 30: Cancer are courageous leaders with a genuine concern for those they lead.

Fact 31: A Cancer bad habit is getting too attached and then having a hard time letting go when things end badly.

Fact 32: As a Cancer you always know in the back of your mind… there is more to the story.

Fact 33: A Cancer already noticed whatever it was you were trying to hide.

Fact 34: A Cancer may try to act happy all the time because they feel like if they let others see them upset, they’re maybe disappointing them.

Fact 35: The Low-key Devoted one ưith a savage mouth.

Fact 36: A Cancer is possibly the most perfect partner you could wish for.

Fact 37: Cancer are pretty good at acting like there’s nothing wrong when they are hurt. 

Fact 38: Don’t ever think about arranging and moving sh*t or creating a mess in a Cancer’s-home… line crossed.

Fact 39: Cancer waste no time with people who doubt their honesty.

Fact 40: Cancer know how to get their way with or without your help.

Fact 41: It takes a lot for them to just stop caring about someone, but when they do, they don’t look back.

Fact 42: Cancer adores sharing adventures with special friends.

Fact 43: Cancer don’t believe they heard about some until they see it with their o eyes.

Fact 44: Cancers have a sixth sense about knowing when they’re right. It usually works out the way they said it would.

Fact 45: A Cancer doesn’t just walk away from you for no reason. There’s been a buildup of things that you may not have even recognized.

Fact 46: Cancer like to be strong for everybody but only wants for that one person to be strong for them at the end of the day.

Fact 47: Good laughs go a long way with cancer. They love people with a sense of humor, who can take the edge off when they’re feeling down or just need enjoyable company.

Fact 48: Most caring person you will ever meet, but can also be the most dangerous when you cross them.

Fact 49: Cancer love to be kissed on the neck.

Fact 50: Zodiac Cancer Facts – Cancer can be extremely wild and adventurous or be extremely shy and introverted… it all depends on the day (or environment).

Fact 51:  As a Cancer your first instinct about someone is always right.

Fact 52: They giye you what you give them, simple enough.

Fact 53: If Cancer don’t like it they change it. When they can’t, they change their attitude but never complain.

Fact 54: Cancer specialize in relationships.

Fact 55: Things that irritate a Cancer: People that withdraw affection or communication for no reason and people taking your kindness for weakness.

Fact 56: Leave it to Cancer to be very cool, calm and collective… until the person they admire in some form or fashion hurts them. A pissed off Cancer has the sharpest tongue you can imagine and they don’t care at the time.

Fact 57: Cancer always goes back and forth between being as tough as nails and being as vulnerable as a child throughout their entire life.

Fact 58: Cancer notice everything, most of time they lust don’t say anything.

Fact 59: Cancer silently mouth “what the fuck” at least 20 times a day.

Fact 60: A Cancer’s expression of sadness: Isolation from everyone.

Fact 61: A Cancer is good at making you feel like you are wanted.

Fact 62: They can be a breath of fresh air… or get on your damn nerves. Depends on how moody they are that day.

Fact 63: A Cancer will not give up on someone because others tell them they should. When they love you, ‘Ws you and them against the world.

Fact 64: Don’t be fooled a Cancer has the will to get through just about anything.

Fact 65: If a Cancer tells you they love you, don’t joke around about it. It’s a big deal.

Fact 66: Cancers loves a person for their soul… not just their exterior.

Fact 67: When Cancer feel unsure about something or someone, there’s always a good reason behind it.

Fact 68: Cancer are good at seeing through anyone’s lies.

Fact 69: Cancer’s heart is like a locked box and only those willing to love them unconditionally are granted access to the key.

Fact 70: When they’re mad: What comes out of their mouth will surprise the holy crap out of you.

Fact 71: A Cancer doesn’t care if it’s a little lie, you better tell them because if they find out, there’s no “baby I’m sorry’, it’s just goodbye.

Fact 72: Cancer’s heart is like a locked box and only those willing to love them unconditionally are granted access to the key.

Fact 73: Don’t piss a Cancer off because they can be heartless and really ruthless when you are on their bad side.

Fact 74: Because Cancer suffers in silence, no one really knows the depth of their sorrow and pain.

Fact 76: Cancer never learn anything by being told, they have to find out for themselves.

Everyone is either afraid of Cancer or simply want to know more about them.

Fact 77: Cancers expect too much from people and often end up disappointed because they fail to realize not everyone is as genuine as they are.

Fact 78: A Cancer will try to work things out… but when they are done, they are DONE. They won’t go back.

Fact 79: Cancer will never fail to see the very best in you.. Even after all the bullshit you put them through.

Fact 80: Cancers hold onto to pain for years, and they can still feel it like it was yesterday after years have gone by. Like losing a key and a walk to rekey service.

Interesting Facts about Cancer Man

Interesting Facts about Cancer Man
Interesting Facts about Cancer Man

Fact 1: When Cancer man falls in love, all of his insecurities will instantly surface. Cancer men have a tendency to stick to certain rules of behavior and courtship because it makes them feel a bit safer and more secure.

Fact 1: He’s highly misunderstood; he’d rather you pay attention to WHY he’s acting a certain way; he’s not the most energetic person but if you ignite him, you’ll see a difference; he loves to be pampered and doesn’t mind giving that as well; he can have two very different sides to him; he’s usually great with money; he likes to express his love with gifts; he can be a momma’s boy

Fact 3: A Cancer man is reserved when he first meets someone new and it will take many more meetings before you can get close to him.

Fact 4: Famous Cancerians include Tom Cruise, Kevin Bacon, Tobey Maguire, and Tom Hanks.

Fact 5: The Cancer man is very good at pleasing their partners

Fact 6: He’s more physically expressive than verbally; he likes to be pampered and will do the same for special people; he always on a quest to be understood for who he is even though his actions conflict a lot; he believes in forgiveness but won’t tolerate being manipulated; his mood swing are not the easiest to be around; he can be a real homebody

Fact 7: Governed by Water, the diffident, quiet Cancer man is a surprisingly ardent and passionate lover behind bedroom doors.

Fact 8: In relationships, a Cancer man requires tenderness and reassurance, or else he might swim away from you, disappointed, hurt, and vowing never to trust another again.

Fact 9: He is generally considered most compatible with Pisces, Scorpio, Virgo, and Taurus.

Fact 10: The Cancer man may often find himself daydreaming about the past and spending far too much time wondering about what could have been.

Fact 11: Thrifty and shrewd describes the Cancer man when it comes to financial matters.

Fact 2: The Cancer man is stylish, but conservative and favors pale blue and silver.

Fact 3: When you have a Cancer man as your friend, you will have a friend for life.

Fact 4: With his natural sensitivity, the Cancer man has the ability to take his partner on an intimate journey rarely paralleled by any other zodiac sign.

Fact 5: What a Cancer man would truly enjoy is a successful work-at-home opportunity where he can be close to his family.

Fact 6: Tough on the outside, sensitive on the inside, a family man, loves to please their partner, thrifty, moods shift all the time

Interesting Facts about Cancer Woman

Interesting Facts about Cancer Woman
Interesting Facts about Cancer Woman

Fact 1: Cancer woman is ruled by the moon.

Fact 2: Cancer woman mood will be as the waves of the sea, influenced by the gravitational force of something far away that you can only catch a glimpse of when the night is clear.

Fact 3: The Cancer woman is full of contradiction. She’s vulnerable but guarded, moody but dependable, and terrified of change but extremely adaptable. She has layers. She is INTERESTING.

Fact 4: Cancer woman is the type of woman you hope to marry. She’s the type of woman who would make a fantastic mother. She’s the type of woman you’d be lucky to call your best friend.

Fact 5: Cancer woman carefully chooses who she lets into her world. But once you’re in, you’re in. Consider yourself lucky.

Fact 6: The Cancer woman often takes trips down memory lane. She cherishes her memories and has a deep respect for the history attached to them.

Fact 7: Cancer woman are fiercely protective, and we will do whatever it takes to keep ourselves and our loved ones safe.

Fact 8: A Cancer woman will care about you even when you push them away. They always go hard for the people they love.

Fact 9: As a Cancer woman you always tell yourself that you will keep your distance, but the heart wants what the heart wants.

Fact 10: Cancer woman notice everything, most of time they just don’t say anything.

Fact 11: Cancer woman don’t easily make many friends because they only go for depth, not superficial chit chat.

Fact 12: Who’s that beautiful, sassy and yet reserved girl? Oh yeah, she’s a Cancer

Fact 13: A Cancer woman is most known for having great intuition.

Fact 14: Cancer woman love to keep people guessing which 0 whir they hardy reveal anything about themselves.

Fact 15: For any Cancer woman, romance is part and parcel of love – the gifts, flowers, and love notes that form the traditional woo-and-win process are essential to her.


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